
International Publication Award

Awarded by the UP System, the International Publication Award (IPA) for journal articles is awarded to faculty members, researchers, project researchers and thesis students who publish in international peer-reviewed (Thomson Reuters-listed or SCOPUS-listed) journals. The amount is from Php 55,000 to Php P80,000. Authors’ home units also receive an IPA.

The IPA for books/book chapters is given to faculty members, REPS, and professors emeriti whose books or book chapters are published by international academic publishers and university presses. The maximum amount is Php 55,000 for a book chapter and Php 110,000 for a book.

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List of Awardees from UP Diliman

International Publication Award 2012 (Journal Articles)

International Publication Award 2012 (Book Chapters)

International Publication Award 2013 (Journal Articles)

International Publication Award 2013 ( Book Chapters)

International Publication Award 2014 (Journal Articles)

International Publication Award 2014 (Book Chapters)

International Publication Award 2015 (Journal Articles)

Last Updated: 11 Nov 2021